

This site is for entertainment purposes only. Any discussions on this site are for general purposes only and are the opinions of the site owners, unless otherwise noted. No one will be given guidance or advice for specific problems of any nature. The information on this website are not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified professional of any nature – Not Healthcare, Not Mental Health, Not Legal Services, or any professional service. No one under 18 is allowed to use services provided. Please note that the material within this site is not intended to be used as treatment for any form of psychological, emotional, or physical disorders or accidental occurrences. Nor do we offer solutions, resolutions, guarantees, or warranties of any kind. The author of this site makes no claims nor takes any responsibility for relevance or accuracy of information in relation to any discussions within this site. When using the information offered on these pages of this site, please remember that this site exists only for entertainment. If you need coaching, legal advice, physical, emotional, or mental healing, or any other medical service seek those who are licensed to provide such services within the framework of their licensed expertise.